My perfect world

I feel so happy! My world is the most perfect world ever. My futures set, my choices are made, I have nothing to worry about. All I need to do is live life the fullest. Doesn't that sound amazing? No choices, everything is ready the way you want it, no confused minds to hagel with, everything seems so complete!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The mysterious aircraft

One afternoon when I was pedaling home, I heard a frightening sound from the sky. As I looked up towards the sky a needle nosed single pilot jet flew over our community. Curiously I looked around, as i saw everyone else wait for an explanation for this unexpected event. Immediately there was an oder to drop your activity and move indoors. Instantly I dropped my bike and ran behind my family's dwelling. I was alone as my parents were at work and my little sister, Lily was at the childcare center. As I peeped through the front window, all I could see was a lonely street with scattered bikes here and there. I comforted myself on the bare floor waiting for the next announcement. In a minute the speakers blared with the explanation about a pilot misreading his navigational instructions and taking a wrong route. They also mentioned that the consequence of this mistake will be that they will release the pilot. There was a pin-drop silence. As I took a breath of relief and looked outside the window, the streets were busy again.

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